2024 “GET Certified!” SCHOLARSHIP
2024 CFRE Testing Scholarship
to assist AFP-HR Members in paying for
the testing fee of the CFRE certification test.
Applications Due Friday, May 31, 2024 by 5:00 pm
Becoming a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) is an exciting professional achievement that shows you go beyond by leading and committing to a higher standard. The CFRE process measures the individual’s knowledge and skills in best practices in ethical philanthropic fundraising. Obtaining a CFRE is a two-step process that involves an application and a test. The “GET CERTIFIED! Scholarship offered by AFP-Hampton Roads will partially pay for the recipient’s first test to become a CFRE up to $400. Currently, the exam is offered to AFP members for $700.
Applicants must have a current AFP Hampton Roads membership in good standing. Candidate must be currently employed by a non-profit and have worked in the development profession for at least five years. Candidate will not have previously taken the CFRE test and been approved by CFRE to sit for the test during the next testing window. If awarded the scholarship and you cannot sit for the next testing window, you must contact the AFP Scholarship Chair for extension for approval or forfiet the scholarship. Candidate must agree to pay the testing fee, then submit the receipt to process the partial reimbursement of $400 toward the testing fee by AFP-HR. Candidate will also agree to serve on an AFP-HR committee for one year following taking the test whether certification is achieved or not, and be willing to discuss their experience pursuing a CFRE at a monthly membership event.
Please submit completed application to admin@afp-hr.org by May 31, 2024 at 5:00pm. Questions: please contact Joy Eyrolles at Joy.Eyrolles@AnchorScholarship.org or call 757-779-9406.
Click Here to download the “GET CERTIFIED!” Scholarship Application