2024 Chamberlain Scholarship

2024 Chamberlain Scholarship 

for the AFP International Conference

April 27-29, 2025

Seattle, Washington

Applications Due  Friday, November 22, 2024 by 5:00 pm


Want to Attend to the Largest Fundraising Conference in the World?


Apply today to become the AFP-Hampton Roads Chamberlain Scholar and attend the 2025 AFP ICON 2025 in Seattle, WA on April 27-29, 2025. Conference registration fees are covered by AFP Global, and AFP-Hampton Roads will cover up to $1,500 in travel expenses.


Requirements: Candidate must have a current AFP-Hampton Roads membership in good standing. Candidate must be currently employed by a non-profit and have worked in the development profession for at least three years. Candidate has never attended an AFP (or NSFRE) International Conference on Fundraising as a registered participant (unless as a member of the Conference Host Committee). Candidate agrees to serve on an AFP-HR committee for one year after attending the conference. Candidate also agrees to complete and return an Evaluation Form about his or her experience to AFP Global, as well as report your experience to the general AFP-HR membership at a monthly event.


AFP ICON attracts more than 4,000 individuals and features more than 100 educational sessions on every aspect of philanthropy.


The Chamberlain Scholarship Program honors Ralph Chamberlain, CFRE, a long-time fundraiser and supporter of AFP. Mr. Chamberlain helped to form one of the organization’s first chapters, the Greater New York Chapter and served as both chair of the association and the foundation. Because of his long-time support of the Foundation for Philanthropy, the AFP Board of Directors renamed the Conference Scholar Program in 2000 to honor Mr. Chamberlain’s memory and commitment to the fundraising profession.


Deadline to apply is November 22, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. Click here for the application. For more information, contact Joy Eyrolles, AFP-Hampton Roads Scholarship Committee Chair at joy.eyrolles@anchorscholarship.org or (757) 779-9406.