The AFP Colorado Chapter embraces diversity, equity and inclusion. We are honored to stand with our colleagues and those in the community fighting systemic injustice, and we are committed to doing our part to listen, learn, and advance equality for all. Here are some resources to help you move forward in your philanthropic efforts.
Rose Community Foundation - Racial Justice and Equity Giving Guide
AFP Statement on Standing with and for the Asian American/Pacific Islander Community
Anastasia Reesa Tomkin - How White People Conquered the Non-Profit Industry
RVC - How to Tell Compelling Stories while Avoiding Savior Complex and Exploitation
Mission Minded - Four Resources to Help Shift the Narrative for Equity in Nonprofit Communications
The Gala Team - The asymptomatic spread of Racism, Sexism, Homophobism & anti-Semitism
Trabian Shorters - You Can't Lift People Up by Putting Them Down: How to Talk About Tough Issues of Race, Poverty, and More
Lynette Adams and Julie Meyers - 10 Steps to take today to strategically, empathetically and deliberately address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at a Non-Profit Organization
Blogs to follow by nonprofit leaders:
Vu Le - Privilege, power, and personal conflicts: The forces preventing change in nonprofit and philanthropy
Kishshana Palmer - Secret Lives of Leaders - The looting of my soul
The Association of Fundraising Professionals Colorado Chapter (AFPCC) believes that inclusiveness is an essential source of vitality and strength for the communities we serve. In 2016, the AFP Colorado Chapter Board of Directors affirmed its commitment to diversity by adopting the following statement:
Inclusiveness is an essential source of vitality and strength for the communities we serve. Diversity is the seeking and achievement of a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, opinions, and cultures within philanthropy.
The pursuit of mission for AFPCC is strengthened by including people who have been traditionally underrepresented – including race, national origin, physical ability, sexual orientation and other self-identified underrepresented individuals – in the fundraising profession in programming, events, education and leadership. Through Diversity and Inclusion, AFPCC strives to achieve the following vision:
Create a welcoming and respectful environment that is open to all;
- Expand strategies for recruiting and promoting professionals from diverse backgrounds into the fundraising field and help them and others understand the value and asset of their cultural background in the philanthropic community and workforce;
- Assist fundraising professionals in advancing their work with diverse constituencies through education, training and development.
Our Board, along with our VP of Diversity and Inclusion, Lynn Adams, are actively partnering with individuals and organizations throughout Denver to ensure our existing programming are inclusive and are actively identifying new partnerships to help bring in new programs and opportunities for members. If you are interested in partnering with AFPCC to help further our mission of diversity and inclusion, please contact Lynn Adams.
Resource Papers - Diversity Essays
Traditions of giving, philanthropic motives of America's diverse ethnic and culture groups.
Events and Resources from the Denver Foundation
Resources that will support your organization in staying the course with its inclusiveness work.
We are proud to be an IDEA Champion along with 97 other AFP chapters.