The Chamberlain Scholarship
This scholarship is a collaboration with our local AFP chapter and AFP International to attend the 2025 AFP International Conference (ICON). Recipients will have their conference registration covered by AFP International and will also receive up to $2,000 from our local chapter to offset expenses to attend the 2025 AFP ICON in Seattle, Washington.
The Chamberlain Scholarship Program honors Ralph Chamberlain, CFRE, a long-time fundraiser and supporter of AFP. Mr. Chamberlain helped to form one of the organization's first chapters, the Greater New York Chapter, and served as both chair of the association and the AFP Foundation. Because of his long-time support of the Foundation for Philanthropy, the AFP Board of Directors renamed the Conference Scholar Program in 2000 to honor Mr. Chamberlain's memory and commitment to the fundraising profession.
This scholarship presents a unique opportunity for fundraising professionals to not only enrich their knowledge and skills but also to assume leadership roles within their organizations and the broader fundraising community. By attending the AFP ICON event, recipients immerse themselves in cutting-edge strategies, best practices, and networking opportunities, equipping them with the insights and connections necessary to excel in leadership positions. Thus, the Chamberlain Scholarship not only recognizes excellence but also cultivates the next generation of fundraising leaders.
The AFP Foundation offers every AFP chapter one Chamberlain Scholarship, which covers the recipient’s conference registration to the annual AFP ICON event. It is awarded based on past service to the chapter and future leadership potential. Candidates must be employed full-time in the fundraising profession, for no more than five years.
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS for the Chamberlain Scholarship: In addition to completing the AFP Florida First Coast Chapter Scholarship Application Form the following is required:
- Letter of Endorsement from the applicant's Executive Director, Board Chair, or direct supervisor as to their support and understanding of your application and the commitment
- Statement of Need as to why the applicant is applying for the scholarship (limit one-page). Preference is given to those applicants that demonstrate financial need.
WJCT Learning is Forever Scholarship
The award is up to $2,000 to help with registration/expenses to attend the 2025 AFP International Conference (ICON) in Seattle, Washington.
Award recipients will need to research conference pricing; there are different rates for members, young professionals, or staff of a small nonprofit, and early-bird pricing is available. Registration costs/travel expenses over and above the amount awarded by the chapter are the responsibility of the recipient or their nonprofit.
Recipients will be asked to provide an evaluation of the value of attending the conference to encourage others to pursue further education. Recipients will be recognized during the annual AFP National Philanthropy Day luncheon held in November; attendance is required.
These scholarships are available to Chapter members who have never attended AFP ICON.