

Join us for our next monthly luncheon!
Monday, August 12th, 2024
11:30am - 1:00pm
**Lunch service and networking start at 11:30am; Program will begin at 12:00pm

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Program Title: 
     "The Responsive Maturity Model: 5 Digital Steps to Scale Donor Engagement"

Change is hard. And making systemic changes at your nonprofit that help build more personal relationships with donors at scale can feel like boiling the ocean. Effective fundraising today’s world requires increased team collaboration, integrated technology, and real-time data insights. The amount of change can feel overwhelming, and it’s difficult to know where to start.

Maturity Models are designed provide a structured approach to systemically leveling up your organization’s performance over time. The importance of a maturity model lies in its ability to provide an objective assessment of your organization’s current capabilities, as well as a roadmap for improving those capabilities over time. Maturity models are often used to benchmark your current level of maturity against industry best practices, and then identify areas for improvement.

The Responsive Maturity Model is designed to guide you, step by step, through the stages required to un-silo your data, increase team effectiveness, create personalized connections with each donor, and grow giving at scale.

Presented By: 

     Erik Tomalis | Virtuous

Erik Tomalis is a proven fundraising professional and has always been forward thinking, donor and people driven, but most of all results oriented. With 20+ years of professional fundraising experience, Erik made over 4,000 face-to-face donor solicitations where he has raised millions of dollars for many non-profit organizations, including areas of: healthcare, education, human services, Greek, university athletics and youth-based organizations. He served as a front-line fundraiser, as well as an executive in some transformative organizations focused on generosity, such as St. Jude Children’s Hospital, the Boy Scouts of America and the Allegheny Health Network.

Today, at Virtuous, Erik is committed to helping nonprofits grow global generosity. He believes that charitable giving is about personal connections, not transactions. Generosity is driven by our passions and relationships – and givers want to feel like they are part of a movement bigger than themselves.  >>>Read More...

Cost: $25 for members* | $50 for non-members
*Late fees applied after Wednesday, 8/7/24. Lunch orders close at 5:00pm Thursday, 8/8/24.
"Program-Only" option also available. Cost: $15 for members | $25 for non-members
Online registration is now closed, but you may join us on-site at the "program-only" rate of $15/$25.

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