Greater Tri-State Chapter Leadership Job Descriptions
The President shall be the chief elected officer of the chapter, shall preside at all meetings of the chapter and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
The President shall conduct all business meetings using the parliamentary authority chosen by the chapter. Robert's Rules of Order serves as the parliamentary authority for the Association.
As the chapter's chief elected officer, the President shall be responsible for all chapter business. He/she shall ensure that decisions, orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are delegated and carried out, and that all required correspondence and reports are transmitted to AFP International Headquarters on a timely basis.
President-Elect and Vice President
The President-elect and Vice President shall have authority as and assume the full duties of the President in case of his/her absence. The President-elect shall, in most cases, succeed the President in the leadership track.
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Become acquainted with all the duties of the President and other officers
*Be familiar with the chapter's bylaws and operating procedures
*Chair at least one Board Standing Committee
*Be familiar with the duties of all committees
*Act as liaison with the committees, Board of Directors and AFP International Headquarters, as requested by the President
*Perform duties as assigned by the President
*Attend a Chapter Leadership Workshop
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Prepare and distribute accurate minutes of all meetings of the chapter and Board of Directors (minutes of committee and member meetings shall be recorded if directed by the Board of Directors)
*Prepare correspondence at the direction of the President and/or Board of Directors
*Maintain chapter files. A permanent file shall be maintained to house founding documents as well as updated copies of Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation, Chapter Affiliation Agreement, tax forms, etc. Provide copies of the latest versions of these documents to all officers annually
*Prepare and file with appropriate agencies all reports required to maintain the active status of the chapter's corporation and provide proof of corporate status to IHQ as part of the annual Accord process
*Other duties as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors.
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term
The Treasurer shall be the fiscal officer for the chapter and is responsbile for all funds, as outlined in the Chapter Bylaws.
Specific Duties include, but are not limited to:
*Maintain all financial records, collect debts, make payments as authorized by the Board of Directors in a timely manner
*Provide the President with financial information needed from chapter records for the annual report
*Maintain the chapter's financial recording system and recommend improvements as necessary
*Deposit the monthly Chapter Reimbursement check from AFP International Headquarters, (or arrange to participate in AFP's direct deposit process) and all other chapter receipts, in a timely manner
*Assist in preparation of the annual budget and monitor chapter expenditures;
*Record checks and invoices from AFP International Headquarters in a timely manner
*Prepare financial statements and report on this at scheduled Board meetings
*Provide information to the Audit Committee appointed by the President
*Ensure that federal tax filings (U.S. Form 990 - Canadian Form T2) are prepared and mailed in a timely manner and that a copy is immediately mailed to IHQ
*Ensure that state/provincial requirements for charities registration are fulfilled, including initial registration, annual reports and/or financial documentation that may be required by law, as well as providing copies of filed documents to IHQ
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term
Membership Chair
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Report to the Chapter President, Board of Directors and membership at regular intervals
*Prepare and execute a membership recruitment plan
*Prepare and execute a membership retention plan
*Use the Membership Recruitment & Retention Manual provided by IHQ which is located in the Chapter Resources section of the Member Gateway - find the manual in Section XIV of this manual titled Program Materials & Manuals
*Coordinate with the Committee on Diversity Chair to promote cultural diversity in membership
*Act as liaison between the Chapter President and AFP International Headquarters on membership matters
*Follow up on any membership-related correspondence received from AFP IHQ
*Become familiar with the online membership reporting system
*Keep the membership roster continuously up to date and provide AFP IHQ with any address corrections or discrepancies
*Develop a program to welcome new members and encourage their participation in chapter activities
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term
Program Development Chair
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Report to the Chapter President, Board of Directors and membership at regular intervals
*Prepare and execute a plan for monthly chapter programs
*Coordinate with the Diversity Chair to provide cultural diversity and programs for members of all types
*Recruit members for the Education/Program Committee
*Encourage involvement of members in chapter programming
*Use the Chapter Education Program Planning Guide found in Section XIV of this manual titled Program Materials & Manuals;
*Work with other committee chairs to ensure that programs are presented in these areas at least once a year
*Develop programs that respond to the educational needs of chapter members and others in the community
*Maintain program records including description, speaker, attendance, evaluation and revenue
*Work with the Communication Chair and Newsletter Editor to publicize programs
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term.
Government Relations Chair
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Report to the Chapter President, Board of Directors, and membership at regular intervals on issues related to government relations
*Use the Government Relations Manual located in Section XIV of this manual titled Program Materials & Manuals
*Alert Chapter President and membership, as well as AFP IHQ, to issues or situations that must be addressed immediately
*Encourage member involvement in government relations at the local, state/provincial, and federal levels
*Coordinate local government relations programs with legislative and executive officials and staff
*Participate in state/provincial chapter legislative coalitions coordinated through AFP's IHQ
*Develop initiatives that educate officials on the role and importance of the nonprofit sector
*Coordinate visits to elected officials at the local and state/provincial levees, and work with IHQ on federal visits
*Work with the Education/Program Development Chair to ensure that at least one chapter meeting annually is devoted to legislative issues
*Maintain records of chapter involvement in government relations programs
*Prepare lists of names, addresses, telephone/fax numbers and email addresses for legislators; distribute to chapter members for their use in making contact with government officials
*Work with the Newsletter Editor to place articles on government relations in monthly publication
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term.
Every Member Campaign Chair
*Report to the Chapter President, Board of Directors and members regularly on the committee's activities and progress toward goals
*Use the Resources for Foundation Development Chairs located in Section XIV of this manual titled Program Materials & Manuals
*Recruit members to serve on the Development Committee
*Educate chapter members about the activities of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy
*Conduct the chapter's Every Member Campaign
*Serve as liaison between the Chapter and AFP Foundation for Philanthropy;
*Provide recognition to chapter donors
*Check donor reports for accuracy and resolve discrepancies with AFP Foundation for Philanthropy staff
*Work with the Newsletter Editor to place articles on AFP Foundation in monthly publication
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term.
Diversity Chair
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Report to the Chapter President, Board of Directors and members regularly, but at least annually, on the committee's objectives and activities
*Use the Diversity Resource Guide found in Section XIV of this manual titled Program Materials & Manuals
*Coordinate and take responsibility for promoting cultural diversity in the chapter;
*Coordinate with the Membership Chair to promote cultural diversity in membership
*Coordinate with the Education/Program Chair to provide programs on cultural diversity & Programs for members of all types
*Recruit members for the Committee on Diversity
*Encourage involvement of members in promoting cultural diversity in the chapter and in their own organizations
*Develop programs that respond to the needs of chapter members for promoting cultural diversity within their own organizations
*Work with the Newsletter Editor to place articles on Diversity in the monthly publication
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term.
Ethics Chair
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Advise the chapter board on the AFP Board of Director's policy regarding the role of chapter in the ethics process
*Work with the Education/Program Development Chair to ensure that the chapter holds at least one program on ethics per year (members of the AFP Ethics Committee are often available to conduct workshops on ethics)
*Educate members and the general public about ethical decision making;
*Promote the Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice
*Inform the media, legislative and regulatory offices about the AFP Code & Enforcement Process
*Work with the Newsletter Editor to place articles on ethics in the monthly publication
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term.
National Philanthropy Day Chair
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Increase public awareness of and participation in National Philanthropy Day on November 15th
*Present annual AFP Philanthropy Awards as part of National Philanthropy Day celebration
*Prepare a proposed budget for review by the Chapter Board
*Engage a keynote speaker and/or emcee
*Select site and make preparations for NPD program
*Work closely with the Committees of National Philanthropy Day
*Use the National Philanthropy Day Manual provided in Section XIV of this manual titled Program Materials & Manuals for inspiration and guidance
*Report chapter award recipients to AFP International Headquarters for recognition at the AFP International Conference on Fundraising
*Work with the Newsletter Editor to place articles on National Philanthropy Day
*Develop a plan to promote and market the NPD event within the community
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term
Youth in Philanthropy Chair Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
*Provide leadership and direction for the involvement of Youth in Philanthropy
*Develop Youth in Philanthropy program and present to the chapter board for review
*Work with the NPD Chair and the Awards Committee on awards for young philanthropists
*Use the YIP resources found in Section XIV of this manual titled Program Materials & Manuals
*Work with the Newsletter Editor to promote YIP in the chapter publication
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term
Communications Chair/Newsletter Editor
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
Coordinate preparation of all printed materials to ensure consistency in use of logo, chapter name, presentation of chapter mission and goals, etc.
*Become familiar with the AFP Logo Usage Guide
*Work with Public Affairs Department at AFP IHQ
*Prepare regular newsletter articles and other communications to chapter members and prospects
*Prepare annual directory of all chapter members
*Develop a list of local and regional media representatives, and build relationships with members of the media
*Write and distribute press releases on a regular basis
*Place articles in chapter publications that will assist chapter members by keeping them informed on AFP International programs, policies and services
*Turn over to the successor all chapter records and/or property immediately upon completion of term or resignation prior to completion of term