2024 Chapter Board of Directors and Officers
If you need to reach one of these members, please send an email to afpgts@gmail.com

Cassie Bird, President
Archdiocese of Dubuque

Kara Murphy, Vice President/ President-Elect
Dubuque Symphony Orchestra

Karen Ann Tuecke, Past President and National Philanthropy Day Co-Chair
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Chelsea Cox, Secretary
Foundation for Dubuque Public Schools

Greg Orwoll, Treasurer
DuRide Dubuque

Angie Herting, Communications Chair
University of Wisconsin - Platteville

Jeff Schneider, Membership Chair
Archdiocese of Dubuque

Wendy Sweeney, Education Chair
Hills and Dales
At-Large Members

Whitney Sanger
HACAP and Project Rooted

Cayla Schneider
Crescent Community Health Center

Wendy Knight
Focus Forward

Roberto Dominguez
Clarke University