Dues Assistance

AFP Mahoning-Shenango Dues Assistance Information

It is the tradition of the AFP Mahoning/Shenango Chapter to assist in payment of membership dues. The purpose of this assistance is to enable persons to participate in the benefits of AFP membership who are volunteer fund raisers, in part-time positions, or employed as fundraisers by smaller agencies. Priority consideration is given to self-employed members or members whose agencies cannot or do not assist with payment of AFP dues. New members qualify for this assistance as well as members who are currently serving on a committee or the board. New members are expected to serve on a committee. 

Completed forms can be sent electronically to Kathleen Austrino at: austrinoka@hotmail.com

Or Mail a hard copy to: 
                                   AFP Mahoning-Shenango
                                    Att:  Kathleen Austrino

                                    PO Box 672
                                    Youngstown, OH 44501

2025 Dues Assistance Application

AFP Mahoning-Shenango Chapter Policy, As Amended, December 13, 2013

Policy#1-2008 – Chapter Dues Assistance – It has been the tradition of the AFP Mahoning-Shenango Chapter to assist in the payment of membership dues. The purpose of this assistance is to enable persons who are volunteers, in part-time positions, self-employed or employed as fundraisers by smaller agencies to participate in the benefits of membership in AFP. The dues assistance shall be granted according to the following:

  • New members will qualify for this assistance as well as current members who are currently serving on a committee or on the board. New members will be expected to serve on a committee.
  • Applications shall be made in writing
  • Priority consideration shall be given to members whose agencies cannot or do not assist with the payment of AFP
  • The amount of subsidy will be no greater than 50% of National Membership dues.
  • Dues assistance will only be considered for Professional, Young Professional, Associate, and Retired Collegiate and Global e-membership levels are specifically excluded.
  • All dues assistance checks will be made payable to AFP unless proof of payment is included in the request.
  • Each application will be judged on its own merit. Scholarship committee decisions are final.