AFP is committed to the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity and access (IDEA) in the fundraising profession, the philanthropic sector and throughout all of society. AFP is involved in numerous projects and partnerships related to IDEA.
The AFP Aloha Chapter IDEA Committee is dedicated to eliminating disparities within Hawai’i’s philanthropic community by analyzing current conditions, leading courageous conversations, and championing effective, systemic solutions.
Join the Committee!
To join the IDEA Committee, use the form below or email IDEA Chair Ryan Catalani at Click here to read the current IDEA Plan.
Idea Committee Signup
IDEA Definitions
This Committee amends the AFP Global definition of “IDEA” with the following:
Inclusion: The practice of attracting, retaining, accommodating, and involving a range of diverse people who are valued, accepted, and comfortable at the AFP Aloha Chapter and in the greater philanthropic community.
Diversity: The practice of having a broad—or at least equitable—representation of individuals, experiences, and perspectives. This concept encompasses race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation or identity, religion, nationality, age, economic class, educational level, language, physical, mobility and ability, geography, and marital and parental status.
Equity: The practice of creating conditions for a more just society. This means recognizing that because of historic and present injustices, biases, and disparities, different individuals and groups have different needs, and may require treatment that is different but is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and opportunities. In other words, this is a concept separate from equality.
Access: The practice of fostering attitudes, behaviors, and procedures to ensure that diverse individuals and groups can gain the same benefits from, and contribute the same amount to, AFP and the greater philanthropic community.
IDEA Aloha Chapter Board Resolution
WHEREAS the AFP Aloha Chapter (“the Chapter”) defines “systems of oppression” as harmful, inequitable policies and social structures that create inequality and discrimination, including sexism and other forms of oppression based on gender and sexuality; ageism; classism; anti-Semitism and other forms of oppression based on religion; and white supremacy, colonialism, and other forms of oppression based on race; and,
WHEREAS the Chapter recognizes that systems of oppression harm and marginalize individuals and groups both within the philanthropic sector and the greater community; and,
WHEREAS the Chapter is dedicated to uplifting the fundraising profession, enabling members to practice effective and ethical fundraising, in the broader pursuit of better serving their respective communities and creating a more just, equitable society; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Chapter commits to practices that promote inclusion, diversity, equity, and access, known collectively as “IDEA,” in all of its programs, activities, committees, and structure; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chapter IDEA Committee is empowered to research and initiate such practices to fulfill this commitment.
Approved by the Board on October 20, 2021
Replaces the Chapter Resolution on Diversity adopted on January 15, 2016