President Adrianna O’Donnell
San Ysidro Health
President-Elect Ingrid de Llamas
Epilepsy Foundation of San Diego
Past President Tamika Franklin
UC Berkeley
Secretary Pearl Hoeglund
Fundraising Academy
Treasurer Marcail MacEwan
UC San Diego
VP, Education Anthony Bradley
UC Berkeley
VP, External Relations Pana Hap
Junior Achievement of San Diego
VP, IDEA Myrna Davalos
Father Joe’s Villages
VP, Membership Lori Torio
Living Coast Discovery Center
VP, Resource Development Sharyn Goodson
Leichtag Foundation
Director at Large Cody Grigsby
Netzel Grigsby Associates
Director at Large Jeanne Schmelzer
Netzel Grigsby Associates
Education Chair Katie Khasim-San
Netzel Grigsby Associates
Emerging Leaders Chair
Ashley Carbonell
Forever Balboa Park
IDEA Chair Alex Kim
Membership Chair Tiffany La Mar
UC Berkeley
Mentorship Chair Fiona King
Fresh Start Surgical Gifts
Resource Development Co-Chair Trevor Blair
Blair Search Partners
Resource Development Co-Chair Ron Mirenda
Mirenda & Associates
Scholarships Chair Mary Rose McDermott
Rady Children’s Hospital Foundation
SNAP Chair Laura Rice
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Stewardship Chair Sana Moezzi
College for Cancer
Chapter Director Katie Gomez