2024 Chamberlain Scholarship
The AFP Berks Regional Chapter is now accepting applications for the 2024 Chamberlain Scholarship. The Chamberlain Scholarship program honors Ralph E. Chamberlain, CFRE. Mr. Chamberlain had a long and distinguished career of service to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), beginning in the 1960s when the organization was formed as the National Society of Fund Raisers (NSFR), through the late 1970s when the name was changed to the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE), and until his death in 1999. Mr. Chamberlain’s dedication to the organization we now know as AFP never faltered in his long volunteer career with the Association. Because of his long-time support of the Foundation’s annual fund and generous planned gift, the AFP Board of Directors renamed their Conference Scholar Program in 2000 to honor Mr. Chamberlain’s memory and commitment to the Association.
The Chamberlain scholarship will provide an AFP Member the opportunity to attend the AFP International Conference in Toronto, ON Canada from April 4-April 7, 2024.
Check out the Conference
The Scholarship will cover the cost of the recipient’s conference registration (minus a $10 processing fee) and $500 in hotel/travel expenses. The scholarship is available to individuals who have never attended an AFP/NSFRE international conference.
Applications are due by OCTOBER 9, 2023
If you are interested in applying for the Chamberlain Scholarship, please contact the Chapter Administrator at afpberks@gmail.com or click on the link below to download an application
Chamberlain Scholarship Application
**Please note this scholarship is available to AFP Members only who have not attended an AFP International Conference before.***